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7 MARZO 2023

Among the Igbos fairytale there is a enchanting and trickster character called Mbeku, who was able to fly as a bird! For this March 7th in the book "Raccontami una storia" the childre will learn about a very special party!

The nightingale sings softly
and the rhythm beats with great assurance.
The Owl, who was a little resentful
changes his mood by eating with appetite.
The Raven's speech is moving,
the birds cry softly.
The party ends infinitely at midnight,
The greenfinch brings home the merry crowds.

L' usignolo canta con dolcezza
e il tempo batte con molta sicurezza.
Il Gufo, che era un poco risentito,
cambia umore mangiando con appetito.
Il discorso del Corvo e' commovente,
piangono gli uccellini sommessamente.
Finisce infin la festa a mezzanotte,
a casa riporta il Verdone le gaie frotte.


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