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Benvenuto nel blog della Scrivente Errante! 

Uno spazio dove conoscere una Mamma, AUTRICE degli ARTICOLI e delle RECENSIONI che troverete su questo blog, appartenente alla generazione dei Millennials di due bambine Cosmopolite, a cui spero di poter dare gli strumenti per realizzare i loro sogni ed essere FELICI! 


Push the boat out, companeros,

Push the boat out, whatever the sea.

Who says we cannot guide ourselves

through the boiling reefs, black as they are

The enemy of us all makes sure of it! Mariners, keep good watch always

for that last passage of blue water

we have heard of and long to reach

(no matter if we cannot, no matter!)

In our eighty-year-old timbers

Leaky and patched as they are but sweet

Well-seasoned with the scent of woods

Long perished, serviceable still

In unarrested pungency

Of salt and blistering sunlight. Out

push it all out of the unknown!

Unknown is best, it beckons best,

Like a distant slap in mist, or bells

clanging ruthless from stormy buoys.


Don't listen, zip-up that wetsuit

And splash that half mile

Surf on silver ribbons of water

White horses being born every minute

Some of them are kelpies

Shaking their green, flowing manes

Amongst the tangles and mermaid purses

Look now!

Hey, Ho, pound the waves, push

Surf, dip, dive.


A stranger is a lover you don't know yet

Through a stowaway meeting, you can find

A friend, a lover, the father of your future kids.

Be kind with everyone, unknown situation

it's could be called another New adventure in the stream of your wacky and fruitful life.