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Benvenuto nel blog della Scrivente Errante! 

Uno spazio dove conoscere una Mamma, AUTRICE degli ARTICOLI e delle RECENSIONI che troverete su questo blog, appartenente alla generazione dei Millennials di due bambine Cosmopolite, a cui spero di poter dare gli strumenti per realizzare i loro sogni ed essere FELICI! 

Gianduia and the cosmopolitism

The city in which your mother was born is Torino, in Piemonte. Torino was the first capital of Italy. The mask of this region is Giandua, like the chocolate that your mommy is mad for – you can understand one of the reasons your mommy loves your daddy!

Decide to move from Torino to Glasgow was a strong decision. Despite there are some similarities between these two cities, it is not easy live Torino. I still miss “fare le vasche” in the city centre and go around for shopping even when it is raining, because Piazza Vittorio and Via Po are cover by the rain. (ok, I never bought anything in the shops there, but I just watch the clothes behind a shop window).

When I came until now, I noticed that every single day I met a Fiat car on my way. It could be stupid, but I explain these meeting as a sign from my city, as Torino wants to tell me that she will never forget me, despite the distance.

Every single meeting you will do in your life will give something: a teaching or an emotion. Your principal duty is be aware of these meetings and I will teach you how to do it. At the beginning we will do together, later you will do by yourself to keep in your heart something that it is priceless but more important that anything else.

Found a special place in all the cities in this world in which you can go to relax your brain, thinking and start every time your plan to realize your Dream. Your mission. I will spend all my life to give you the tools to find a Dream, my lovely wee lady.

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