1.In what year did you meet your husband, in what
circumstances and what was your material status at the
We met in 1976 when we both became students at the University of Bucharest,
Faculty of Foreign Languages ? and Literatures. I came from Dudestii Vechi -
Timisoara and he came from Braila, and that is how I got in Braila. I was late to
enter the examination, because then there were exams, not like now when the
place is assured with a dossier. Looking at the list of exams, the first name I saw
was Andreev Andrew and seemed very nice, so instead of thinking about how to
get faster in the exam, and not to miss the exam, I was surprised how nice it
sounded the name. Then was the first snap. Then I wanted to find out who is the
boy but I didn't express my feeling in any way. Regarding the economical status,
being in 1976 during the time of communists, there was no question regarding
that matter, we were pleased that we had with what to dress and what to eat. For
example, I was wearing the sandals of my sister in law wich were platforms, as
otherwise, it's in trend today, to look taller, cause I just became a student in
Bucharest. Our parents were very diligent, hardworking and we eat everything
in the most natural way. In the yard, we had even a small farm. Our goal was to
become intellectuals, and so we chose the best university.
2.Where are your children and how have you influenced their future?
Both my children are in Braila. Daniel works at the APAN Company, sales
advisor for the BMW brand. I am very happy that he followed his passion. We
have always supported the children in what they wanted to do. Our girl, Ioana
Maria is the manager of marketing also at APAN, her majors are in English and
3. Do you know what are the dreams/ideals of your children? What is
success for you?
Dan is a success because he is doing what he likes. For Ioana Maria, it was not
a dream to work in marketing, but I'm afraid that she didn't have a dream a clear
idea. But the mere fact that she has an achievement where she's going to work
every day and she goes with joy, is an achievement. We personally have dreamed
more for her, we bought an apartment but it seems she does not want to live alone
because she still lives with us.
4.What is the book that left an echo in your mind and had a philosophical
content which had an echo?
There isn't a book in particular. I liked the books of great Russian writers but
I didn't manage to teach their work in schools. I am passionate about love
literature but I don't find myself in them because I feel fulfilled in love.
5. Have you dreamed to have someone else's life? Have you ever dreamed of
be a queen or to live in a royal family?
Sounds like an interesting question. I never dreamed to be a queen/princess. I
dreamed to have someone else's life, but my life has hijacked when I entered the
faculty of letters. Even though I have a great attraction for foreign languages, I
have not dreamed of being a teacher. I loved the theater. But at that time there were
very limited places, and those were only for the politician's children and the sons
of actors. I even risked a year to stay home to get ready with a great actor,
George Leahu from Timisoara. I was really good, the teacher with whom I was
preparing realized that I was very good, but it was not to be. On the day of the
exam, coming on the road, we all were very tired, I remember that the students
have organized a protest because we didn't have where to sleep. The Institute said
it has no obligation to accommodate us, but still, we were hosted in Bulandra's
movement room. I failed because there were only 4 seats and 400 candidates and
I was not part of those who had to enter. I signed at the Faculty of letters, but I did
not forget about my first love, The Theater, and I played three years in the theater
Podul. I was part of Catalin Naum's team. After two years the director told me to
go to the theater because I will enter for sure. True, it was a guaranteed success.
But I was a scholarship and if I would have quit the 3 years of letters I would
have lost it and I was not in a condition to support myself. The scholarship was my
only source of income because my parents were unable to sustain me. This is
how it was during communism. And so I quit the ideal for the material
condition. I rejected the help of Catalin because I wanted to have a very fast salary.
Interview made by Svetlana Georgieva, EVS volunteer